Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Subject: Arthur Penkins - Part One

He got up from bed. Someone was at his door. "Mom?" No answer. Scratching. "Is that you Mom?". A deep and fainted voice answered. "Arthur" It was weak, but it was obviously his mother. "You scared me Mommy."
"What are you doing?"
"Arthur don't..." and the scratching started again.
He slowly opened the door. At first he only saw darkness, but as he lowered his sight he saw his mother on the floor. At least the upper half. The once soft brown floor was now in a deep shade of red. His mother's legs were ripped off from her, and no were to be seen. A huge wave of panic flowed from his stomach and was reaching his mouth.
"Don't....Scream...." mumbled his dying mother.
Down the hall, at the end of a blood trail was something. A living thing. Breathing. Chewing. Slurping. He didn't make a sound. Suddenly this nauseating smell of blood, sweat, and perhaps urine came to his nose, and he couldn't avoid throwing up. As soon as he recomposed himself he noted something different. The silence. The thing wasn't at the end of the hall anymore. Glued to the wall he tried not to breath. Were was it? Scanning the hallway he found it, and his heart missed a beat. It was at the left corner of the ceiling. A dark mass, quiet, static. Looking with tiny red dots at him. They stared each other for minutes. He couldn't keep it anymore. He screamed and it jumped. He felt an excruciating pain on his arm and the lights were turned on. His father was staring at the madness in the hall, still holding the interrupter. His arm was bleeding, and the thing wasn't there anymore. His father in shock, screamed. Twenty years later, a twenty-seven year old Arthur woke up from this nightmare....

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